Friday, 29 April 2011


It's been quite some time since I last blogged - and a lot has happened since then! Most notably, George has happened! My son is now almost 3 months old - and he's a little cracker. Fatherhood is still taking a bit of getting used to - but by and large I'm loving it!
Anyway - seeing as I've been away from the blogosphere for a few months, here's a quick run down of things that have been on my mind in that time.....

1. Sunshine brings out the best in people
I could be wrong, but with the lovely weather we've had recently, I've sensed a real upturn in people's general mood/demeanour. People are outside more! I've had loads of great conversations with next door neighbours etc recently, simply because we're all out and about more. It was a long hard winter - as bad weather and austerity measures hit people hard. But a bit of sunshine appears to have been quite a tonic! Long may it continue....

2. The Royal Wedding
I'm a cynical so-and-so by nature, and I'm no great fan of the monarchy either. That said - I'm certainly not anti-monarchy either. As someone pointed out to me today - would we really like a 'President Cameron'?!
Whatever, I found myself strangely enjoying the festivities and pageantry of the Royal Wedding today. It was great to see two young people committing to each other in marriage - in an age when marriage seems less and less valued by society. Much as two rich, posh people tying the knot really has little effect on my life, I really hope their commitment serves as an example to others, and we see the our country grasp hold of the joy and pleasure of marriage once more. As a new father, I believe more than ever that a loving, stable marriage is so key for bringing children up in the best way possible. It's right that we celebrate at weddings, because they symbolise the start of something so special.

3. Emotional rollercoaster
Since little George came along, I think I've become far more emotional! Amazingly, I've still not cried, but I've found myself welling up emotive tv moments - even ones I've seen before! I've never been one for shedding tears - in fact my wife describes me as an "emotional brick"! But I'm heartened that I perhaps have discovered some feelings deep down somewhere! 

Right - I'll hopefully be back to some semblance or blogging routine again soon - and will resume my usual mix of sporting reminiscing and musical recommendations.